Bronze Level Membership

If you’re passionate about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu but you do not have access to a UFAF BJJ program in your area, UFAF BJJ offers a flexible path to achieving your blue belt and beyond. Follow these simple steps to get started:

How It Works:

1. Create Your Profile: Start by creating your profile at UFAF University. Students must maintain their profile for at least 12 months before submitting their pre-test video. Crossover students and students promoted in UFAF BJJ prior to November 1, 2024, may contact UFAF BJJ to request an override on the 12-month waiting period.

2. Start Training: Once you have access to our extensive online courses, dive in and begin your training. Consistency is key. Drill often to perfect your skills.

3. Record Your Pre-Test: When you're confident in your knowledge of the blue belt curriculum, record your blue belt pre-test video following the provided guidelines.

4. Submit Your Pre-Test: Upload your pre-test video to UFAF University. A $200 pre-test fee applies.

5. Get Your Results: You’ll receive an email notification of your pre-test results. If you pass, it’s time to schedule your in-person blue belt test at no additional cost to you.

6. Schedule Your In-Person Blue Belt Test: You can test at the UFAF ITC, or attend any seminar taught by Kenny Gallacher or Jason Wilcox. Alternatively, visit their schools for the live test. The in-person test is included in the pre-test fee, just be sure to schedule at least 15 days in advance and complete the live test within six months of passing the pre-test—the sooner the better.

How To Get Started

1. Click "Get started now" in the top right corner of this page

 2. Create a profile

3. Make a payment

4. Start learning!